What is a Spiritual Principle?

A Spiritual Principle is reveled through the Navel of the Earth

Finally you asked, what is a Spiritual Principle?  Maybe you already asked this question, but this week Ashtar will give you a wonderful definition. Working with Spiritual Principle I guess the first thing to say is, don’t worry about it.  Living life in a conscious way far more important than being able to reel off…

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Venusian Cosmic Federation

Acceptance is not the same thing as resignation. Learning to look for the good I fully understand that the idea of acceptance of what is happening around us might look like resignation, but think about it.  This Spiritual Principle encourages us to look beyond our limited human viewpoint and see things as they are.  As…

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Enjoy Life

The good showers us all the time

When Ashtar suggests I enjoy life, who am I to argue!  This week it’s off to Honolulu for a week of rest and relaxation. What’s the point? What’s the point of polishing up your spiritual skills if it’s not to enjoy life more?  This study is more than “do this, don’t do that.” The whole…

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