Grand, Grand Rino Days

Here I am in Yokohama, working with Grand Rino.  Grand Rino is one of the worlds go-to stores for healing stones, crystals and gems.  Ashtar and I do our sessions in the Crystal Room surrounded by quartz crystals in every size from chips to pieces two and three feet across.  The energy here is astounding.…

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Ashtar Realignment Program

Things are going great in Yokohama with Grand Rino and Tomokiyo Nishida.  As I said in my last post, working in a whole room filled with crystals of all shapes and sizes is a very powerful experience.  I hope that one day you will be able to experience it for yourself. Next up I head…

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Next up, Yokohama!

I can hardly believe that my time in Tachikawa is over so soon.  Beloved Salon has been such a wonderful host to Ashtar and myself.  And my interpreter Yuka Onda, who is so much more than my interpreter, she is my dear friend has done her usual amazing job of serving as my Japanese voice.…

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Tachikawa is beautiful

Well, here I am again in beautiful Tachikawa with Beloved Salon where Takako and Hiromi Taniguchi have the most wonderful little corner shop.  One of the things I love about being here is that they always reserve a hotel room for me so that, if the clouds have parted, I can see Mount Fuji.  Revered and loved…

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The Ascended Masters

Right now I am traveling from Osaka to Yokohama by train.  This visit to Osaka was truly one for the books.   During my time there I was honored to participate in the matriculation of a dedicated group of students who have spent over two years in a course of study about Ascended Masters and a Clearing…

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