What do you see?

What do you see? Terrie Symons sees love everywhere.

As we enter the month of June 2023, what do you see? Where our attention goes It’s no secret that where our attention goes, so goes our thoughts.  Are you dwelling on the absence of love in your life, or are you dwelling on the love all around us?  When you look at a situation,…

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Ashtar’s Intention

Venusian Cosmic Federation

Ashtar’s Intention for this week revolves around something many of us find difficult to do.  The act of compassion toward ourselves. Things we are good at We are very good at showing others compassion.  We freely give and love others.  Our judgements are tempered by kindness.  So then, why is it so difficult to show…

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Happy 2021

Ashtar and I wish you a very happy 2021.  On New Year’s Eve we hosted our annual message for the new year on zoom. We were delighted that so many of you joined us. Thank you! If you have read The Lady Ashtar story  I had a segment about Ashtar leading me to a store…

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