Setting your goals

How do you go about setting your goals without also setting up disappointment, frustration, drama and heartbreak?  Well, if you have been watching this month’s videos you know the first key is to allow.

Types of goals

There are short term goals; those things you want to have happen in the very near future such as arriving on time for your next appointment.  Then there are the long term goals; career advancement and relationship type experiences.  Let’s not forget lifetime goals.  These may be what kind of legacy you wish to leave behind.  I think one of the most amazing realizations is that when setting your goals there are things that apply to all three:

  • Hopes, dreams and wishes all have a place no matter which goal you are setting.
  • Meditation can be a tremendous help in achieving any goal.
  • Disappointment, frustration and heartbreak come about only when we insist on defining the delivery of our goals.
  • Accepting that the Universe is conspiring with us to make our goals come true.
  • Our preconceived notions can actually block our realization that our goal has been achieved.
  • Remain open and allowing as conditions, spiritual growth and our personal ascension might alter our goals. The Universe is well aware of this and delivers accordingly.

Trust your guidance

Within each of us an amazingly powerful guidance system is constantly at work.  Trust it.  Discernment is essential.  It is very easy for us to feel or hear the Universal guidance then dismiss it.  We may also overlay our personal aspirations as the Universal Voice.  For me the difference between recognizing true Universal guidance and personal aspirations is the tone, or energy.  My personal aspirations tend to be fleeting or muddled.  Sometimes they seem too strident.

Universal guidance is consistent, delivered peacefully with that etheric soft, quiet voice.  When in doubt I like to sit with the messages I get, meditate upon them, to determine how they feel.  Of course when Ashtar speaks to me, I know it quite clearly!

Wrapping up the first two years of Intentions

This video and intention about Setting your Goals marks the completion of two years of Spiritual Principles.  If you have been with Ashtar and myself this whole time, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  If you have joined us somewhere along the line, or you are new to the series, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  There is no limit to this journey we are taking together.  As I frequently remind you, the whole series is available on You Tube to review any time you wish.  Keep setting your goals!

Many Blessings of Universal Love,
