My own rejuvenation

“My own rejuvenation”.  What a wonderful thought.

Taking the time

The urge to tend to our own rejuvenation is in our DNA.  This time of year we tend to slow down, spend more time with family.  The cooler weather encourages us to consider watching a movie rather than playing in the backyard.  As we move a little more slowly we discover that we have more time with our own thoughts, time to reflect.  It is the natural cycle of life at work.

Another reminder

I love how The Universe keeps reminding us of the important things in life.  “My own rejuvenation” is another one of those reminders.  A reminder that we must keep filling ourselves so that we have energy to lend to others.  Without refilling, our reserves are emptied leaving us unable to serve others, or ourselves. And yet, time and time again, we allow ourselves to let the gas gauge of our bodies fall below empty!  That’s why spending time with Ashtar’s video intention this week might be important to you.   His intention is a wonderful blueprint for how we might set our goals to recharge.  Not just in winter, but all year long.

Ashtar’s New Year Message

As we race out of 2024 into 2025 the tendency is to begin pondering what the new year may hold for us.  Once again it is my pleasure to gift you with a sneak peek into what it might hold.  Shortly after the New Year makes its appearance we will be posting Ashtar’s New Year Message.  You will hear many clues to how 2025 might best be experienced.

We are always at choice.  Will you be looking into the new year with fear or joyful anticipation?  When you think of doing “my own rejuvenation” perhaps setting your intention to select joyful anticipation could be a great start.  Joining us for Ashtar’s New Year Message can help.  Make it your intention to watch for the video just after the first of the year.

Many Blessings of Universal Love,
