As painful as it can be, the power of loss can be transforming.
The Paddle Out
During our recent visit to the Hawaiian Islands, Brian and I arranged to be on the island of Maui on August 8. We had planned to be there the same days in 2023 but the horrific wildfire which destroyed Lahaina altered our plans. This year, on the first anniversary of these events, we were present for the memorial Paddle Out.
A Paddle Out is a form of memorial service. I would guess there were over 2000 people in attendance between those on the water and those who remained on the beach. To say this was a moving tribute is an understatement.
During the ceremony Ashtar came through. Yes, he did spend some time speaking specifically about Lahaina, but also about loss in general.
The common thread
Each of us experiences loss. It is a part of life. I think one of the most helpful things Ashtar mentions in this video was the idea that the power of loss of a loved one can be helpful to us on a Spiritual level. The common thread is that it opens new avenues for our development.
If you have read my biography you are aware loss has been part of my life from a very young age. My Father drowned when I was ten years old. Even though my grief was profound, this loss was one of the gateways to stepping into my role as Lady Ashtar.
From our loss we can indeed grow. It is a place of empowerment and disempowerment at the same time. Many teachers have told us that from chaos growth begins. The power of loss and love; one of life’s most powerful moments. This is longer than usual video but I think you will find some things to build upon.
September 7 Ashtar Live and Zoom Event
If you like sitting with Ashtar you have an opportunity to do just that on September 7 from 6-9PM. We will be holding both a live, in-person event as well as the same event streamed on Zoom. In either case you can reserve your spot by going to my online store at
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#biography #Lahaina #tribute #HawaiianIslands #paddleout #Asher #chaos #TerrieSymons #teachers #Powerofloss #grief #commonthread #LadyAshtar #bereavement #lovedones #transformative #helpful #wildfire #SpiritualLevel #Kahuna #avenues #Power #development #plans #loss #TranceChannel #empowerment #Maui #profound #disempowerment #Video #memorial