
Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge is all the stuff you have learned through your years, facts, figures, dates and the like. Not the same What we are talking about here is not the same thing as wisdom.  Ashtar has done an intention on wisdom recently which you can view on You Tube if you missed it.  But to put…

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Peace on Earth

We often say Peace on Earth is the goal of our work, but what can we do as individuals to make it a reality? The not so secret secret How many times have we discussed how powerful we are as individuals?  I can’t even count the number of times.  It’s no secret we are powerful.…

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I want love!

Winter Solstice

Ashtar and I hear our friends say it all the time; “I want love!”.  We spend so much of our time and energy looking around for love, many times unsuccessfully. What’s the problem? The problem is they are looking in all the wrong places.  Friends try to hook us up, well-meaning people arrange blind dates,…

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