Create your own intention

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

It’s time to create your own intention.  This time it’s personal! You can’t go wrong As long as you remember that an intention is an action step, you can’t go wrong.  In this week’s video Ashtar walks us step by step through ideas to make a custom intention.  What Ashtar and I hope is that…

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Spring begins

Lady Ashtar welcomes you

This is the week that Spring begins…hurrah! How has your winter been? I don’t know about where you live, but our Winter here in California has been filled with the blessings of rain.  In some cases the blessings have been a bit overwhelming!  But it is important at any time of year to look for…

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Listen to Ashtar

Citizens of Planet Earth

It really does pay to listen to Ashtar.  When this Covid thing began he was telling us to take the usual Flu precautions; wash our hands, keep our distance and wear a mask.  When the vaccines became available he told us to get vaccinated.  I followed his advice and it paid off. In the middle…

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To mask or to unmask

One of the biggest questions facing us today is to mask or to unmask.  Can we safely dine at our favorite restaurants or should we continue to stay home?  Like so many people I watch the news, listen to the radio and scan Social Media for clarity.  What I end up being is more confused!…

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Japan sessions begin soon!

Ashtar and I are happy to announce our Japan sessions begin soon!  Of course it’s still to early for me to travel to Japan personally, which is a great sadness for me, but we will be doing our sessions virtually. The dynamic world This pandemic has been very difficult all the way around.  I send…

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Are you trying to support too many others?

People who love, people who care about other people often fall into a trap which can cause them harm.  It is the trap of trying to support too many other people.   Trying to save the world on their own shoulders.  This can lead to physical as well as emotional pain.  In this video Ashtar…

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