
Ashtar brings you Wisdom

Wisdom is far more than knowing stuff or having lived long enough to gain knowledge. Spiritual Principles continue. This month Ashtar has kept on track speaking about Spiritual Principles.  We all use Spiritual Principles but when we understand what they are and how they work, we are far more powerful.  This week Ashtar’s intention revolves…

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Spring begins

Lady Ashtar welcomes you

This is the week that Spring begins…hurrah! How has your winter been? I don’t know about where you live, but our Winter here in California has been filled with the blessings of rain.  In some cases the blessings have been a bit overwhelming!  But it is important at any time of year to look for…

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Prepare for the holidays

As you prepare for the holidays give love, give joy and most of all, offer compassion. It’s the holidays, what’s to worry? Yes, it is the biggest holiday season of the year.  In these thirty days more reasons to celebrate occur than any other thirty day period.  This is exactly why, as you prepare for…

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Listen to Ashtar

Citizens of Planet Earth

It really does pay to listen to Ashtar.  When this Covid thing began he was telling us to take the usual Flu precautions; wash our hands, keep our distance and wear a mask.  When the vaccines became available he told us to get vaccinated.  I followed his advice and it paid off. In the middle…

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The road to recovery

The road to recovery from the fears we have built up during the Covid-19 pandemic is open to you. Unseen fears All of us have developed protective actions during this pandemic.  Some of these have left us with positive re-actions, some not so positive.  Have you found yourself walking through a store and turning away…

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