Prosperity and Abundance

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

If you want to expand your Prosperity and Abundance, the quickest way is to recognize them in your life now. Labor Day As this blog posts we are celebrating Labor Day.  Yes, this day is intended to recognize the contributions of workers everywhere.  But what are they working for?  Financial security, of course. You may…

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To be the Observer

To be the Observer is to see yourself as the Universe sees you

We add so much power to our lives when we take time to be the Observer. Being the Observer What exactly does being the Observer mean?  Have you ever been in a situation where things are happening all around you?  Then, perhaps just for a moment you feel you are standing outside yourself watching everything?…

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Principle of Gratitude

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

The Spiritual Principle of Gratitude is a frequent topic in Ashtar’s talks, but why? Gratitude opens so many doors Simply recognizing there is good in your life opens the doors to ever more good.  No matter how small that good may be, give thanks.  Give thanks to whom?  My choice is the “All There Is”,…

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Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

This is the season of Celebrations; Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and so many others.  With all this celebration comes some wonderful opportunities to display so many of the things Ashtar has shared with us this month. Responsibility Yes, we do have responsibilities as we go through this celebratory season.  With our heightened awareness of…

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the joy of a sweet treat

What brings you Joy?  Is it activities, people, locations, situations?  Don’t worry, there is no wrong answer here, only right answers. This month As we have traveled together through September Ashtar has encouraged you to reflect upon your life and how you want it to be.  He has reminded you that your life is a…

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Who is most important?

Ashtar Live

Ask yourself, “Who is most important?”  Are you going to say, “my children?” or “my family?”  Take a moment and think about it honestly.  You cannot give what you do not have. The importance of re-filling yourself As Ashtar tells us so often, “To receive unconditional love, you must first give unconditional love.”  That means…

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