
Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

You have been told that sharing is something you should be doing.  But did you ever consider that “sharing” is a Spiritual Principle as well? Becoming involved The Spiritual Principle of sharing goes far beyond giving your sister a piece of your chocolate bar.  You are a unique individual.  The talents you have, the wisdom,…

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The Spiritual Principle of Patience

Ashtar on the Big Island

Following the Spiritual Principle of Patience can make your life so much more pleasant. God give me patience Have you ever heard yourself saying, “Give me patience?”  This is a tricky plea.  Remember, the Universe is less likely to grant you patience than it is to grant you more opportunity to practice patience.  You will…

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The Creator

Ashtar on the Big Island

So often Ashtar has told us; you are the creator. The Challenge for December In this, the third intention for December 2023 Ashtar is again reminding us how powerful we, as individuals are.  Sure, there are times when it feels like the whole world is coming down around our shoulders.  There are times it seems…

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Almost Christmas

Lady Ashtar blows the spirit of love for you

It’s Almost Christmas!  Can you feel the excitement? The Christmas Spirit In that it is almost Christmas it might be a good time to think about what is important to you around this holiday.  What does  “Christmas Spirit” mean to you? Is it the shopping, the gifting, the change of weather?  Those things are wonderful!…

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Ashtar and his guidance

Venusian Cosmic Federation

Ashtar is always available to you with his loving guidance, did you realize that?  These past few months, with the Covid-19 issues, the American election coming up just trying to keep our sanity has put a great strain on many of us.  I hear you!  The truth is that sometimes I too find myself feeling…

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