
The Spiritual Principle of Completion

We are reaching a point of completion.  Days are getting longer and in some parts of the country the weather is beginning to improve.  Flowers are blooming, birds are multiplying.  Even if the calendar doesn’t agree we are concluding winter.  Can you feel it? This weeks video In this weeks video Ashtar speaks about the…

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The Creator

Ashtar on the Big Island

So often Ashtar has told us; you are the creator. The Challenge for December In this, the third intention for December 2023 Ashtar is again reminding us how powerful we, as individuals are.  Sure, there are times when it feels like the whole world is coming down around our shoulders.  There are times it seems…

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Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

This is the season of Celebrations; Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and so many others.  With all this celebration comes some wonderful opportunities to display so many of the things Ashtar has shared with us this month. Responsibility Yes, we do have responsibilities as we go through this celebratory season.  With our heightened awareness of…

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Prepare for the holidays

As you prepare for the holidays give love, give joy and most of all, offer compassion. It’s the holidays, what’s to worry? Yes, it is the biggest holiday season of the year.  In these thirty days more reasons to celebrate occur than any other thirty day period.  This is exactly why, as you prepare for…

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