Love and light

Learning to Allow joy

You have the amazing power to shape a group with love and light. The group consciousness We are constantly in groups, groups of all shapes and sizes.  But are you aware that your presence affects that group?  This phenomenon has been studied for years.  The simple act of observation (Ashtar’s video August 4) changes the…

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Terries Japanese Mom

What is home to you?  This week Ashtar speaks on just this topic So many definitions The concept of home has so many definitions.  It could be your dwelling.  Perhaps what you are saying it is somewhere you feel fond memories or feelings of safety.  It could even be a person.  In some ways the…

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Mother Earth

Citizens of Planet Earth

We call it “Mother Earth” for good reason.  She is not only our home but our sustenance as well. Week 4, February 2023 I think by now we all know that where we give our intentions will grow.  This includes this beautiful planet we call home.  This week Ashtar’s Intention revolves around Mother Earth, our home,…

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Random Acts of Kindness

Make intentions for a happy life

For the first week of February 2023 Ashtar wants to talk about Random Acts of Kindness. We never know You know, a subtle act of kindness to another usually doesn’t usually require anything from us.  Offering a smile to someone, letting someone go ahead of us in line.  Yes, these are Random Acts of Kindness.…

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