Mothers Day

Terries Japanese Mom

Yes, Mothers Day is just around the corner.  In addition to being time to make sure you have a gift (if you are blessed to have your Mother with us) it is a great time to think about Love. Unconditional Love Of all the things Mother represents, love has to be the first.  And, it’s…

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Forgiving the self

Spiritual Principle is the beginning of a new year

As we look into the idea of forgiveness, one of the the most important aspects is forgiving the self. It’s not an ego thing Forgiving the self is far from an  ego based action.  Truthfully, we must first forgive others for their actions, words or deeds.  We must forgive the situation too.  Then, and only then…

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To mask or to unmask

One of the biggest questions facing us today is to mask or to unmask.  Can we safely dine at our favorite restaurants or should we continue to stay home?  Like so many people I watch the news, listen to the radio and scan Social Media for clarity.  What I end up being is more confused!…

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