Recognize the Self

To recognize yourself is not the same thing as to Recognize Your Self. What’s the difference? When we look closely we see that yourself is the total of what you do, how you look, what you think and those other outside aspects of your third dimensional life.  The Self, on the other hand, is that…

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Self Healing

Self healing allows us to live life fully

The Spiritual Principle of Self Healing is essential to our happiness because if we are empty we cannot give to others, or even ourselves. Being empty What does that mean; being empty?   Picture yourself running a marathon.  Every cell in your body is crying out for replenishment.  The first mile or so may not…

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Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

Companionship in your play opens you to new expressions of yourself.  Isn’t that an interesting concept? We are tied together Whatever interaction we have with others ties us together.  Ashtar has often spoken about the Karmic ties we have with friends, family, even people we interact with along the street.  Sometime ago He did a…

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Forgiving the self

Spiritual Principle is the beginning of a new year

As we look into the idea of forgiveness, one of the the most important aspects is forgiving the self. It’s not an ego thing Forgiving the self is far from an  ego based action.  Truthfully, we must first forgive others for their actions, words or deeds.  We must forgive the situation too.  Then, and only then…

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