Living with Harmony

Living with harmony while learning

Living with Harmony doesn’t mean finding a partner named Harmony.  It means finding within ourselves the resonant chord. The resonant chord So what do I mean by saying finding the resonant chord within us?  I mean we are all of the same source.  Ashtar speaks often of how we are all connected.  Every conscious being…

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A Beautiful Person

Harvest your attibutes

You are a beautiful person, but you know who doesn’t see it?  Yourself! We are hardest on ourselves We can see the beautiful aspects in others so easily.  Yet I think that we are taught that to see our own beautiful aspects might be somehow egocentric.  When someone compliments us on how we look or…

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Your 2023 Intention

Lady Ashtar, Create!

Your 2023 Intention from Ashtar is ready! The New Year Message session Last Wednesday evening an extraordinary group of people joined us live and on Zoom to enjoy hearing Ashtar as he told us about 2023.  If you were part of this session, thank you so much!  If you could not make it, put it…

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