Sharing the Joy

Learning to Allow joy

I will be the first to admit that sharing the joy of this fall season can be trying.  but let’s break it down. Our old stuff Family gatherings can be especially trying.  There is a tendency to revert to who we were rather than be who we are now.  Sometimes it is we who revert,…

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Make your week

The good showers us all the time

What can make your week perfect?  How about discovering that all you want is already at your fingertips. Allowing it in I know, it’s easy to think things are not going your way.  Sometimes it feels like everyone and everything is set against us.  Looking at this written-out you probably realize this is simply not…

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Ashtar’s Intention

Venusian Cosmic Federation

Ashtar’s Intention for this week revolves around something many of us find difficult to do.  The act of compassion toward ourselves. Things we are good at We are very good at showing others compassion.  We freely give and love others.  Our judgements are tempered by kindness.  So then, why is it so difficult to show…

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Thank you for a wonderful year

Citizens of Planet Earth

I want to take a moment and say thank you for a wonderful year.  I know that at the beginning of 2021 we all hoped that by this time we would be moving about freely. We haven’t quite reached that point yet.  However, your love and support these past twelve months has touched my heart…

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What a wonderful night

This week Ashtar and I had the opportunity to speak before a group of about 80 people for an event held by Dynavision in Tokyo.  I was overwhelmed!  My heart is so full I hardly know what to say.  At the same time my heart is heavy.  I learned that there were a lot of…

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