Appreciate the Temple

Appreciate the Temple, which is what Ashtar calls our bodies.  When you think about it, your body is our single biggest project.

Giving appreciation

November is traditionally the month we formally recognize the Spiritual Principle of Gratitude.  In fact gratitude is enshrined in a national holiday.  There are so many things for which we can be grateful but one item we often overlook is our own bodies.  This is unfortunate.

Think of all the work you have put into your body this year.  Think of the nutrition, exercise, mindfulness and concern that has been expended.  Then think about the gifts your body has returned to you.  Sure, we sometimes have a love-hate relationship with the body (Appreciate the Temple) but it is always there for us.  Let’s give it some appreciation as well.

The Spiritual Principle of Appreciation

We often talk about gratitude.  Gratitude for this experience, gratitude for that day or that person.  In fact I have heard gratitude called the lubrication of the Universe.  I love how Ashtar has done a slight pivot to include appreciation in this category.  Yes, gratitude is indeed a Spiritual Principle, but so is Appreciation.

Gratitude is defined as  thankfulness.  Appreciation is defined as being an expression of admiration, approval and yes, gratitude.  Seems to me that appreciation is a much broader definition,

The important thing is

The important thing is to give thanks in all things, even those which don’t necessarily seem to be good at this moment.  We do not have the God view of events.  Even those things which are uncomfortable to us today often turn out to be beneficial to us later on.  What we have to do is trust the Universe to deliver to us those things which support and advance our Spiritual Growth and  our Ascension.  And most of all, appreciate the Temple and all it does for you.

Enjoy this week’s video and Spiritual Intention.

Many blessings of Universal Love,
