A New Path

Did you ever wonder if a new path might be the answer to your life?

When it’s appropriate

Ashtar and I do not recommend a geographical solution to any issues you might be having.  The darn thing is, if we move from where we are to a different location we bring our issues with us.  If, however, you want to shake up your life; to get a new perspective, a new path might be the perfect thing for you.

In his intention message this week Ashtar is talking about how seeing things from a different perspective can be so powerful for us.  I think back on the traveling Brian and I have been blessed with being able to do these past few years.   Each time we venture out of the comfort zone of our wonderful home we come back with both a greater appreciation for home and the world.

Sell it to me!

There is nothing wrong with appreciating our homes.  When we add to our comfortable home with the experiences, people and discoveries we make while traveling, magic happens.

Within each of us is a powerful call to expand, to grow, to understand.  Your travel certainly doesn’t have  be half way around the world, it can be right in your own back yard.  If you have a route you take when walking or jogging, reverse the route.  See places from a different vantage point.  Something as silly and simple as parking in a different space can open discoveries to you.


Who said, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds?”  I think it was Ralph Waldo Emerson. What this means to me in this context is that when we do not challenge ourselves.  When we do not look beyond the normal routine of our lives, we limit ourselves.  Create something new in your life.  Make it your intention to look beyond your comfort zone.  The result will be wisdom, knowledge, discoveries and a more active and happy mind.

As always I thank you for taking a few minutes from your busy life to catch up with what Ashtar and I are up to.  You are precious to us beyond words.  Keep looking for a new path.

Many Blessings of Universal Love,


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