You have been told that sharing is something you should be doing. But did you ever consider that “sharing” is a Spiritual Principle as well?
Becoming involved
The Spiritual Principle of sharing goes far beyond giving your sister a piece of your chocolate bar. You are a unique individual. The talents you have, the wisdom, love and empathy are all things that can be spread around.
This week in his video Ashtar goes into more depth than this about the things we have to share. For me, what remains in my mind is his suggestion we look at building a community of people who all want to share.
What does it mean to share?
Certainly to share authentically and spiritually is to be free of conceit or ego. We are all born with unique gifts meant to be part of the whole. When we volunteer at a food pantry we are sharing. When we donate blood we share something only humans can provide. We become part of a community in which the individual gives for the betterment of the whole.
Ashtar Live!
This Saturday, July 20 Ashtar will be live in Rancho Bernardo, California. You can reserve your spot for this Guides and Guardians event on-line in my store for only $50.00 each. The session will be from 6:30-9:30. Viewing his Spiritual Principles and Intentions on line is fantastic, but being with him live is even better. Join us!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#RanchoBernardo #AmbassadorofLive #involved #community #spiritual #foodpantry #GuidesandGuardians #fantastic #giving #happiness #TerrieSymons #online #Universe #patience #conceit #SpiritualPrinciple #humans #sister #provide #Ashtar #empathy #LadyAshtar #joy #Spirituality #talents #individual #grow #love #sharing #intentions #give #gifts #life #whole #God #Donateblood #stronger #viewing #connection #assistance #TranceChannel #volunteer #Wisdom #important #unique #willing #born #spiritually #free #piece