Recognize the Good

Lady Ashtar finds the good even in trying circumstances

As we recognize the good in our lives, something magical happens.  There is more good in our lives! The power of perception Oftentimes we initially connect with other people by complaining.  It’s an easy way to strike up a conversation: isn’t the traffic horrible; it’s so hot.”  I truly understand the desire to make a…

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Ashtar’s Intention

Venusian Cosmic Federation

Ashtar’s Intention for this week revolves around something many of us find difficult to do.  The act of compassion toward ourselves. Things we are good at We are very good at showing others compassion.  We freely give and love others.  Our judgements are tempered by kindness.  So then, why is it so difficult to show…

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Living in harmony

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

Living in harmony with your family is sometimes easy, sometimes not so easy.  What makes the difference? The difference is you! Living in harmony with your family is a personal choice.  I recently heard of a Thanksgiving exchange between brother and sister.  The visiting sister arrived for the afternoon complaining and kept complaining throughout the…

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Thanksgiving is here!

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

No matter how you celebrate, Thanksgiving is here! The myriad of options There are so many ways to celebrate Thanksgiving.  You can join with your birth family, extended family, or by your lonesome.  The most important part of this holiday is to remember to be thankful.  Now my husband and I have been celebrating pretty…

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