Prosperity and Abundance

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

If you want to expand your Prosperity and Abundance, the quickest way is to recognize them in your life now. Labor Day As this blog posts we are celebrating Labor Day.  Yes, this day is intended to recognize the contributions of workers everywhere.  But what are they working for?  Financial security, of course. You may…

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Rejuvenate yourself

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

It’s time to rejuvenate yourself!  All this month Ashtar has been speaking to us about how we deal with other people.  We have looked at many aspects of this topic but I think this one really brings the topic into focus. Looking around Just how do you fit into any group?  I’m not talking about…

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To be the Observer

To be the Observer is to see yourself as the Universe sees you

We add so much power to our lives when we take time to be the Observer. Being the Observer What exactly does being the Observer mean?  Have you ever been in a situation where things are happening all around you?  Then, perhaps just for a moment you feel you are standing outside yourself watching everything?…

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Create your own intention

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

It’s time to create your own intention.  This time it’s personal! You can’t go wrong As long as you remember that an intention is an action step, you can’t go wrong.  In this week’s video Ashtar walks us step by step through ideas to make a custom intention.  What Ashtar and I hope is that…

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Living in Understanding

Terrie Symons, Lady Ashtar, looks at the world by living in compassion

Living in Understanding is one of the first Spiritual Principles Ashtar has chosen to speak about. Understanding or Empathy It doesn’t matter if you want to call it understanding or empathy, what it comes down to is the same.  There are billions of people living on our planet.  Even within the same family, people see…

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the joy of a sweet treat

What brings you Joy?  Is it activities, people, locations, situations?  Don’t worry, there is no wrong answer here, only right answers. This month As we have traveled together through September Ashtar has encouraged you to reflect upon your life and how you want it to be.  He has reminded you that your life is a…

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Japanese event 2023

Living with harmony while learning

Saturday April 15 was the first of my big Japanese events for 2023. A New Earth Design The name of this first Japanese event was “New Earth Design.”  Much of the discussion from the panelists revolved around a world without money.  What a fun concept!  Six other panelists took part in the event which was…

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Spring begins

Lady Ashtar welcomes you

This is the week that Spring begins…hurrah! How has your winter been? I don’t know about where you live, but our Winter here in California has been filled with the blessings of rain.  In some cases the blessings have been a bit overwhelming!  But it is important at any time of year to look for…

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An act of gratitude

A simple act of gratitude will change your life. The secret to happiness If you want to live a life overflowing with happiness all you have to do is be grateful when you are happy. Does seeing a beautiful vista make you happy?  When you see it, tell the Universe it makes you happy and…

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