Self Care

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

You know that Self Care means being aware of your physical being.  Have you considered how important it is to be aware of your Spiritual Body as well? The Temple Your Temple contains so many gifts, so many qualities.  When I say Temple I mean your whole being.  That includes your Spiritual Practices as well…

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Slow down

Terrie Symons, Lady Ashtar, looks at the world by living in compassion

It’s time to slow down.  Since the middle of September we have been on the fast track of time.  Halloween decorations went up then only to be quickly moved aside by Thanksgiving decorations.  No sooner did the Thanksgiving decorations begin to appear, Christmas decorations made their appearance.  Because of this we have been living three…

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Continuing the process

Lady Ashtar, Terrie Symons and husband Brian Graham

Question: are you continuing the process of Rebirth Ashtar is speaking about for March? Last week Last week Ashtar spoke about reflecting upon the life you want.  In this weeks video he speaks about the process of releasing what no longer serves us and at the same time, reconnecting with our Spiritual base. I got…

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Who is most important?

Ashtar Live

Ask yourself, “Who is most important?”  Are you going to say, “my children?” or “my family?”  Take a moment and think about it honestly.  You cannot give what you do not have. The importance of re-filling yourself As Ashtar tells us so often, “To receive unconditional love, you must first give unconditional love.”  That means…

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Thank you for a wonderful year

Citizens of Planet Earth

I want to take a moment and say thank you for a wonderful year.  I know that at the beginning of 2021 we all hoped that by this time we would be moving about freely. We haven’t quite reached that point yet.  However, your love and support these past twelve months has touched my heart…

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Ashtar Equinox Zoom session

This year has managed to fly by so quickly and here we are ready for the Ashtar Equinox Zoom session!  The actual equinox is on September 22 but I will be with a group in Japan on that date so we are choosing to prepare for the beginning of Autumn on Monday, September 20. Ashtar…

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Join us for an Ashtar Zoom!

The Spiritual Principle of Easter

A little while ago I invited you to join us for an Ashtar Zoom session but didn’t reveal the topic.  The time has come, dear friends, to fill in the details. Ashtar’s Twelve steps of Ascension Yes, one of the most popular meditations Ashtar does, the Twelve Steps of Ascension will be the focus of…

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A new side of Ashtar

I often tell people when they come to an Ashtar session that they can ask Ashtar anything.  Not only can you ask anything, Ashtar will answer anything as well.   Recently at a session, one of the guests asked a question of Ashtar that went in a direction no one really anticipated.  What resulted was…

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Healers, beware!

In our efforts to help others we forget the importance of doing our work, then releasing that issue.  We do not have to carry the burdens of other people to help them.  Ashtar has spoken of this in the past, but this message is so very important it is worth repeating as often as possible.…

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Ashtar and positive thinking

If you have ever wondered about the effects of positive thinking, Ashtar has some thoughts that may help you understand the process better.  Click on the video below and hear what he has to say.    

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