Learn the lesson

The Spiritual Principle of Easter

Don’t bring the past into the Spring, learn the lesson and move on. Ah yes, Spring is here As Spring comes into full bloom we are invited to expand in so many ways.  Perhaps love is on the way, or in full bloom.  We may be discovering things about ourselves we had forgotten.  Certainly if…

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Emerge and Fly

Ashtar Venusian Symbol Card deck

If you have been following Ashtar’s guidance it is time for you to emerge and fly! March has been busy The month of March has been a busy one for me.  I have been doing many sessions with my friends in Japan as I prepare to return for a brief Spring tour in April.  Brian…

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Spring begins

Lady Ashtar welcomes you

This is the week that Spring begins…hurrah! How has your winter been? I don’t know about where you live, but our Winter here in California has been filled with the blessings of rain.  In some cases the blessings have been a bit overwhelming!  But it is important at any time of year to look for…

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Continuing the process

Lady Ashtar, Terrie Symons and husband Brian Graham

Question: are you continuing the process of Rebirth Ashtar is speaking about for March? Last week Last week Ashtar spoke about reflecting upon the life you want.  In this weeks video he speaks about the process of releasing what no longer serves us and at the same time, reconnecting with our Spiritual base. I got…

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Spring arrives

The month of March is when spring arrives.  For some it will be blustery, for some the air will be placid and warm. Spring means rebirth All around us we see rebirth.  Flowers popping out of the brown hills, buds on the trees, mating dances of all kinds, everywhere.  Why should rebirth only apply to…

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