Spiritual Principle of Transformation

Butterfly blessings is part of the Spiritual Principle of Transformation

The Spiritual Principle of Transformation is evident in nature, but it happens to you as an individual as well. Natures’ Transformation As Winter melts into Spring many of us actually experience the change physically; we experience renewed energy.  As we shed our heavier clothing, we are more inclined to move around.  Then there are the…

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Spiritual Principle of Easter

The Spiritual Principle of Easter

Eggs colored, chocolate ready, but are you ready for the Spiritual Principle of Easter? I did’t know that was a thing! Perhaps you haven’t thought of Easter as a Spiritual Principle, but everything has been there all along.  The entire Biblical story of Easter is about leaving behind that which no longer serves us and…

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Rejuvenation shows up in so many delightful ways

Rejuvenation is happening all around his.  Spring is in the air, flowers are blooming. There is just something in the breeze that says change. Turn over a new leaf This is the perfect time to be conscious of your life.  It is time to renew.  There are so many unseen settings built into our bodies.…

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Lady Ashtar, Create!

I know you create your life.  You know that what you experience is a direct result of your viewpoint.  Now, it’s time to put these truths into practice. Want to be happy? No matter how happy you are right now, there is another level of happiness to be experienced.  For the past few months Ashtar…

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