Expressing Appreciation

Expressing appreciation is the completion step in feeling appreciation.  Sometimes the expression is the most important part of appreciation.

Completing the cycle

Feeling appreciation for a person, experience or gift is a wonderful thing.  But I think that once we step back and think about it we also know that simply feeling appreciation is like leaving someone standing there with their hand extended and not shaking it.

The actual part of acknowledging and expressing our feelings of gratitude not only completes the experience for the other person but for ourselves as well.


Our lives are  so packed with experiences we do sometimes become forgetful about the pleasant things in life.  The same is not true of those things that are less than fulfilling.  Those we seem to be able to recall instantly.  Honestly, this is a tribute to how many delightful things that do happen to us.  “Ho hum,” we think, “Another complement or recognition.”  But when we experience less than joyful interactions those do seem to stick with us.  This too is a tribute.  A tribute to how infrequently we have to deal with complaints.

What we want to do, it seems to me, is to re-wire our brains.  Re-wire them to be more aware and expressive as those gifts, complements and invigorating interactions with others come through our lives.

Think back

Remember last Thanksgiving?  Perhaps you had the gift of a delightful meal.  The Turkey was done perfectly, the vegetables were mouth watering, the company scintillating.  Did you let those experiences wash over you but retain that someone made a passing remark which displeased you?  What are you most likely to recall?  Curious, isn’t it?

This year, with the same amount of energy, you can choose to release the displeasure and retain the positive.  Is it time to remind us all that where we give our attention grows?  This is a basic tenant to a more conscious life, and isn’t that what we all want to live?

Expressing Appreciation

The easiest way to re-wire our memories is to make it a point to honestly, and in a heartfelt manner, express our appreciation.  This can be done to another individual or a group, but it is important to do.  It’s important to them but most importantly for yourself and your future happiness.

Many Blessings of Universal Love,
