Ashtar in Japan

As the second month of my spring tour 2018 of Japan continues I want to share three photos of Ashtar at work in some of the most inspiring, heart-opening locations.  You may recall that two years ago the Kumamoto region of Japan was rocked with a huge earthquake destroying roadways, buildings and closing off the…

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As I travel

First of all, let me say I love what I do.  The joy of helping others through my work with Ashtar fills my heart and my soul.  Now, let me say my spring tour of Japan can be very demanding.  I have been here just over a month now, and finally got my first real…

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I'm on the move again!

Konnichiwa!  For the past four days Dynavision has been hosting me in wonderful Fukuoka.  This stop on my Spring tour is so much fun!  My hotel is steps from the train station, I shop for groceries on the first floor, Ashtar and I work on the second floor and I sleep on the ninth floor!…

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Kuwana and Typhoons

Oh my goodness!  Kuwana has been such a delightful experience for me, and I hope a delightful experience for those who came to visit with Ashtar in our private sessions and group sessions as well.  This stop began with a rare free-day where I got to visit Ise Shrine and meet some wonderful healers as…

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It is never too late.

As I contemplate the final few hours of this summer tour of Japan my mind goes back over the many, many people who have supported me this past month.  I have done my best to tell each and every one of them how much I appreciate their love, their help, their laughter, but I know…

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It's a hit!

While it is only in Japanese right now, the latest Ashtar book of wisdom has climbed to the top of the Amazon charts here in Japan in only one week!  Ashtar’s book contains seven lessons for inner growth and was a huge hit at the Iyashi Fair this past weekend.  Rev Dr Terrie Symons autographed…

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Iyashi Fair time!

This Saturday and Sunday, August 5 and 6, 2017, Reverend Doctor Terrie Symons, Lady Ashtar will be the headline attraction at one of the world most prestigious spiritual gatherings; The Iyashi Fair in Tokyo, Japan.  On Saturday Ashtar will speak to an audience of some 500 people, then fairgoers can take part in a number…

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The steps of ascension

On a hot, humid July afternoon in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan, Lady Ashtar lead a tour of pilgrims up the 2,446 steps of Mount Haguro to a magnificent Shrine.  Mt. Haguro is one of the trio of mountains which represent past, present and future, Haguro represents the present. The trek was 1.7Km and worth every moment of…

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A Shinto Wedding

If you take a look at Facebook, Terrie Symons page, you will see hundreds of beautiful photos taken at our Shinto Wedding which was held on the 29th of June in Osaka, Japan.  Terrie and I am so very grateful for the love and support we got from so many people as we prepared, then…

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Thank you Dyanvision!

Last night Brian and I had the most heart-filling experience.  The wonderful people at Dyanavision, who support  weeks of the Lady Ashtar tour here in Japan, hosted a wedding party for us.  When we arrived the entire crowd was clapping and cheering, sending us so much love!  The party was at the Pancake House, which…

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