Rejuvenate yourself

Go where, do what. Your choice

It’s time to rejuvenate yourself!  All this month Ashtar has been speaking to us about how we deal with other people.  We have looked at many aspects of this topic but I think this one really brings the topic into focus. Looking around Just how do you fit into any group?  I’m not talking about…

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Spiritual Principle Independence

The Spiritual Principle of Independence carries with it great responsibility

The Spiritual Principle of Independence.  With the 4th of July just around the corner what a perfect principle to examine. More than a word Independence is far more than word.  It is an idea, or an ideal if you wish.  You have free will at every turn.  Our independence allows us to utilize that free…

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Spiritual Principle of Truth

Lady Ashtar shares her Spiritual Truth about expansion and love

The Spiritual Principle of Truth is a real thing. Breaking it down There is truth.  That’s where what we say to each other is real.  Then there is Universal Truth or God Truth.  Being honest with each other is important.  And not just that kind of truth that is white washed or partial just so…

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Ashtar brings you Wisdom

Wisdom is far more than knowing stuff or having lived long enough to gain knowledge. Spiritual Principles continue. This month Ashtar has kept on track speaking about Spiritual Principles.  We all use Spiritual Principles but when we understand what they are and how they work, we are far more powerful.  This week Ashtar’s intention revolves…

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Catalyst of Peace

Winter Solstice

How powerful are you?  You are the catalyst of peace.  That’s how powerful you are. It all begins within Everything begins with a thought.  Where do your thoughts go? Are your thoughts free to wander around un-checked?  That’s wonderful for day dreaming, but if you want to create something specific, intention is required.  When it…

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Lady Ashtar, Create!

I know you create your life.  You know that what you experience is a direct result of your viewpoint.  Now, it’s time to put these truths into practice. Want to be happy? No matter how happy you are right now, there is another level of happiness to be experienced.  For the past few months Ashtar…

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The new year

The Spiritual Principle of Easter

The new year is almost here.  Prepare to sparkle1 Get a glimpse into what is to come As we like to do, Ashtar will be giving the New Year Message this coming week.  Wednesday, December 28 from 6-9PM Pacific time in fact.  Ashtar will be giving us a glimpse into what is to come for…

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Almost Christmas

Lady Ashtar blows the spirit of love for you

It’s Almost Christmas!  Can you feel the excitement? The Christmas Spirit In that it is almost Christmas it might be a good time to think about what is important to you around this holiday.  What does  “Christmas Spirit” mean to you? Is it the shopping, the gifting, the change of weather?  Those things are wonderful!…

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Live in Love

To live in love with your family is the most precious gift imaginable. The first Intention for December 2022 If you are like me the idea we have turned all the pages of the 2022 calendar is amazing.  And so are the intentions Ashtar has offered for November.  I hope you have been visiting with…

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