Sharing the Joy

Love and Loss, twin flames

I will be the first to admit that sharing the joy of this fall season can be trying.  but let’s break it down. Our old stuff Family gatherings can be especially trying.  There is a tendency to revert to who we were rather than be who we are now.  Sometimes it is we who revert,…

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Reflection in a quiet space

Reflection is a wonderful thing, as long as we don’t get stuck there. Looking forward This week Ashtar’s Intention revolves around looking to our past then deciding how we want to shape our future.  This is a balanced approach to life.  We all know people who seem to live in the past.  Their stories are…

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Lady Ashtar shares her Spiritual Truth about expansion and love

When Ashtar gave the the title “Expansion” for this video I have to admit the first thought was about my waistline!  I certainly don’t want to expand that! Life is a process We work on our Spiritual Growth.  We study and reflect upon our lives.  Sometimes we have major breakthroughs, sometimes they are subtle, but it…

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The new year

The Spiritual Principle of Easter

The new year is almost here.  Prepare to sparkle1 Get a glimpse into what is to come As we like to do, Ashtar will be giving the New Year Message this coming week.  Wednesday, December 28 from 6-9PM Pacific time in fact.  Ashtar will be giving us a glimpse into what is to come for…

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Soul Mates

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

Soul Mates.  You have heard that term many times, I am certain.  If I had to guess I would say over 70% of the people who come to Ashtar and myself have at least one question about Soul Mates or romance in general.  In fact this video was the result of a question asked during…

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