The Spiritual Principle of Discovery

The Spiritual Principle of Discovery is reveled through the Navel of the Earth

Yes, the Spiritual Principle of Discovery is a real thing.  This makes me feel so much better when I can’t find my purse.  Rather than being forgetful, I am being spiritual when I discover where I left it! Remember the definition Way back in January Ashtar did a video talking about why Spiritual Principles are…

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Go where, do what. Your choice

You have been told that sharing is something you should be doing.  But did you ever consider that “sharing” is a Spiritual Principle as well? Becoming involved The Spiritual Principle of sharing goes far beyond giving your sister a piece of your chocolate bar.  You are a unique individual.  The talents you have, the wisdom,…

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Make intentions for a happy life

Each week for almost two years Ashtar has been offering us intentions.  The funny thing is, until now, we have not actually defined what they are. It’s all in the intent We frequently get intentions confused with affirmations.  They are not the same.  Let me give you an example:  I intend to make a reservation…

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Lady Ashtar at Delphi asking the question; Why?

Why, if there is a God, a Universal Presence which loves and supports us, is there war? The eternal question During my visit to the Temple of Apollo and Delphi last month Ashtar addressed the eternal question. The Temple of Delphi is an amazing structure.  Built by hand over 2300 years ago.  People came from…

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Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge is all the stuff you have learned through your years, facts, figures, dates and the like. Not the same What we are talking about here is not the same thing as wisdom.  Ashtar has done an intention on wisdom recently which you can view on You Tube if you missed it.  But to put…

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Venusian Cosmic Federation

Acceptance is not the same thing as resignation. Learning to look for the good I fully understand that the idea of acceptance of what is happening around us might look like resignation, but think about it.  This Spiritual Principle encourages us to look beyond our limited human viewpoint and see things as they are.  As…

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Continuing the process

Lady Ashtar, Terrie Symons and husband Brian Graham

Question: are you continuing the process of Rebirth Ashtar is speaking about for March? Last week Last week Ashtar spoke about reflecting upon the life you want.  In this weeks video he speaks about the process of releasing what no longer serves us and at the same time, reconnecting with our Spiritual base. I got…

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Almost Christmas

Lady Ashtar rejuvenates your ties

It’s Almost Christmas!  Can you feel the excitement? The Christmas Spirit In that it is almost Christmas it might be a good time to think about what is important to you around this holiday.  What does  “Christmas Spirit” mean to you? Is it the shopping, the gifting, the change of weather?  Those things are wonderful!…

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