Mothers Day

Terries Japanese Mom

Yes, Mothers Day is just around the corner.  In addition to being time to make sure you have a gift (if you are blessed to have your Mother with us) it is a great time to think about Love. Unconditional Love Of all the things Mother represents, love has to be the first.  And, it’s…

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Sharing the Joy

Setting your goals for joy

I will be the first to admit that sharing the joy of this fall season can be trying.  but let’s break it down. Our old stuff Family gatherings can be especially trying.  There is a tendency to revert to who we were rather than be who we are now.  Sometimes it is we who revert,…

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Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

This is the season of Celebrations; Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and so many others.  With all this celebration comes some wonderful opportunities to display so many of the things Ashtar has shared with us this month. Responsibility Yes, we do have responsibilities as we go through this celebratory season.  With our heightened awareness of…

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Reach Out

Lady Ashtar reaches out in love and World Peace

It is time to reach out to those who will support you in allowing your Inner Child in play. Labor Day At the end of this week we will be celebrating Labor Day.  For some people this means the end of Summer, but it’s not really, the end of summer is September 23.  I like…

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Enjoy Life

The good showers us all the time

When Ashtar suggests I enjoy life, who am I to argue!  This week it’s off to Honolulu for a week of rest and relaxation. What’s the point? What’s the point of polishing up your spiritual skills if it’s not to enjoy life more?  This study is more than “do this, don’t do that.” The whole…

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Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

Companionship in your play opens you to new expressions of yourself.  Isn’t that an interesting concept? We are tied together Whatever interaction we have with others ties us together.  Ashtar has often spoken about the Karmic ties we have with friends, family, even people we interact with along the street.  Sometime ago He did a…

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To Be Love

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

To be love.  Now that is a goal we can all reach. Doing, not talking What I mean by this is simple.  We often speak of wanting love.  We want to feel and receive love.  The way to achieve both these quests is not to talk about it, but to be it. The same is…

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Nurture yourself

Terrie Symons, Lady Ashtar, looks at the world by living in compassion

Taking care of others is wonderful, but don’t forget to nurture yourself as well. The glass becomes empty As we give to others we draw upon our own resources.  But if we continue to give without refilling our own glass, what is there to give? Some Puritanical part of our being may cry out, “That’s…

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The Month of May

Self healing allows us to live life fully

Here in the Month of May things are blooming! Ashtar’s Intention As we continue the Ashtar Intention Series I think even Ashtar is excited about all the wonderful things that are happening around us.  There is a certain excitement in his voice as he gives us this weeks intention: The Light of Love. Living with…

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The Wisdom of Ashtar

Self healing allows us to live life fully

I am delighted to say today’s video goes back to The Wisdom of Ashtar series format. Tried and true For many years Ashtar and I sent you snippets of sessions.  Sometimes the sessions were held at a client’s home, sometimes they were private.  This time we are going back to what I refer to as…

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