An appreciation Journal

An appreciation journal is a wonderful way to remember precious moments.

On your “things to do” list why not include keeping an appreciation journal? The proven benefit of journaling No doubt you have at some point in your spiritual journey been encouraged to journal.  Why do you think this is such a common suggestion?  Simply because our lives are so filled with experiences it is so…

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Expressing Appreciation

Recognizing the cornucopia of life that is ours always brings a smile to Lady Ashtar's face

Expressing appreciation is the completion step in feeling appreciation.  Sometimes the expression is the most important part of appreciation. Completing the cycle Feeling appreciation for a person, experience or gift is a wonderful thing.  But I think that once we step back and think about it we also know that simply feeling appreciation is like…

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Appreciate the Temple

Appreciation of all things is a path to joy.

Appreciate the Temple, which is what Ashtar calls our bodies.  When you think about it, your body is our single biggest project. Giving appreciation November is traditionally the month we formally recognize the Spiritual Principle of Gratitude.  In fact gratitude is enshrined in a national holiday.  There are so many things for which we can…

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Spiritual Principle of Transformation

Butterfly blessings is part of the Spiritual Principle of Transformation

The Spiritual Principle of Transformation is evident in nature, but it happens to you as an individual as well. Natures’ Transformation As Winter melts into Spring many of us actually experience the change physically; we experience renewed energy.  As we shed our heavier clothing, we are more inclined to move around.  Then there are the…

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Principle of Gratitude

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

The Spiritual Principle of Gratitude is a frequent topic in Ashtar’s talks, but why? Gratitude opens so many doors Simply recognizing there is good in your life opens the doors to ever more good.  No matter how small that good may be, give thanks.  Give thanks to whom?  My choice is the “All There Is”,…

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Ashtar brings you Wisdom

Wisdom is far more than knowing stuff or having lived long enough to gain knowledge. Spiritual Principles continue. This month Ashtar has kept on track speaking about Spiritual Principles.  We all use Spiritual Principles but when we understand what they are and how they work, we are far more powerful.  This week Ashtar’s intention revolves…

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Peace in the Community

Peace in the Community is the second intention of December, 2023. The December Intentions This month all of Ashtar’s intentions revolve around peace.  Quite fitting, I think, in that Decembers big holiday centers on an individual whose primary message was peace.  I can’t help but wonder if Ashtar and Sananda might have had a little…

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Make your week

The good showers us all the time

What can make your week perfect?  How about discovering that all you want is already at your fingertips. Allowing it in I know, it’s easy to think things are not going your way.  Sometimes it feels like everyone and everything is set against us.  Looking at this written-out you probably realize this is simply not…

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What do you want to give?

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

As you look around your life, what do you want to give? The well of love Well, we are reaching the end of January 2023.  Right over the horizon is our special day to celebrate love, Valentines Day.    The most precious gift would be love; pure, unadulterated love.  Love costs you nothing and is…

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Prepare for the holidays

As you prepare for the holidays give love, give joy and most of all, offer compassion. It’s the holidays, what’s to worry? Yes, it is the biggest holiday season of the year.  In these thirty days more reasons to celebrate occur than any other thirty day period.  This is exactly why, as you prepare for…

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