Prosperity and Abundance

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

If you want to expand your Prosperity and Abundance, the quickest way is to recognize them in your life now. Labor Day As this blog posts we are celebrating Labor Day.  Yes, this day is intended to recognize the contributions of workers everywhere.  But what are they working for?  Financial security, of course. You may…

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Sharing the Joy

Love and Loss, twin flames

I will be the first to admit that sharing the joy of this fall season can be trying.  but let’s break it down. Our old stuff Family gatherings can be especially trying.  There is a tendency to revert to who we were rather than be who we are now.  Sometimes it is we who revert,…

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One year

Spiritual Principle is the beginning of a new year

One year ago this month (October 2022) Ashtar had us sit down and begin videotaping his Intention Series.  Now, one year later we are celebrating the success of his wonderful concept. What is the intention series? Well, it’s pretty simple.  Each month Ashtar selects a topic; families, forgiveness, play, then each week he speaks on…

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the joy of a sweet treat

What brings you Joy?  Is it activities, people, locations, situations?  Don’t worry, there is no wrong answer here, only right answers. This month As we have traveled together through September Ashtar has encouraged you to reflect upon your life and how you want it to be.  He has reminded you that your life is a…

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Terrie Symons, Lady Ashtar in the process of manifestation

Your life is a manifestation of your desires.  The question is, have you reviewed your desires? The creative force As a powerful manifester, have you reviewed what it is you are putting into consciousness to be manifested?  U-turns are completely allowed, you know.  Creative Force does not penalize us if we find we have been…

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Be the Teacher

Citizens of Planet Earth

Be the Teacher is this weeks Intention from Ashtar.  If you are keeping track, this is Volume 8, number two. Using the cards For the month of May, 2023 Ashtar asked that we use the Ashtar Venusian Symbol Cards to find our Intention each week.  This is the brand new project which was introduced while…

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Almost Christmas

Lady Ashtar blows the spirit of love for you

It’s Almost Christmas!  Can you feel the excitement? The Christmas Spirit In that it is almost Christmas it might be a good time to think about what is important to you around this holiday.  What does  “Christmas Spirit” mean to you? Is it the shopping, the gifting, the change of weather?  Those things are wonderful!…

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Living in harmony

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

Living in harmony with your family is sometimes easy, sometimes not so easy.  What makes the difference? The difference is you! Living in harmony with your family is a personal choice.  I recently heard of a Thanksgiving exchange between brother and sister.  The visiting sister arrived for the afternoon complaining and kept complaining throughout the…

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Abundance in Love

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

This month Ashtar has been doing a series on Abundance.  This week it is  abundance and love.  How do we find the abundance in love? The key is your intention Love is everywhere.  Just ask anyone who has just gone through a break-up.  Everywhere they turn all they see are couples in love.  This can…

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This week Ashtar will speak about Gratitude.  Gratitude in Abundance.  Gratitude is so important no matter what you are pursuing.  It’s easy to be grateful when things work the way we think they should, but can you also be grateful when things don’t go as planned?  Always right and perfect Many times it is difficult…

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