Go where, do what

Go where, do what. Your choice

You might remember the old Mama’s and Papa’s song “Go where you wanna go, do what you wanna do.”  If you are of a certain age you are probably singing that song right along with me as I write this! This weeks video and intention This week Ashtar discusses how our different styles of life…

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Self Care

Go where, do what. Your choice

You know that Self Care means being aware of your physical being.  Have you considered how important it is to be aware of your Spiritual Body as well? The Temple Your Temple contains so many gifts, so many qualities.  When I say Temple I mean your whole being.  That includes your Spiritual Practices as well…

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Slow down

Terrie Symons, Lady Ashtar, looks at the world by living in compassion

It’s time to slow down.  Since the middle of September we have been on the fast track of time.  Halloween decorations went up then only to be quickly moved aside by Thanksgiving decorations.  No sooner did the Thanksgiving decorations begin to appear, Christmas decorations made their appearance.  Because of this we have been living three…

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A Beautiful Person

Harvest your attibutes

You are a beautiful person, but you know who doesn’t see it?  Yourself! We are hardest on ourselves We can see the beautiful aspects in others so easily.  Yet I think that we are taught that to see our own beautiful aspects might be somehow egocentric.  When someone compliments us on how we look or…

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Reach Out

Lady Ashtar reaches out in love and World Peace

It is time to reach out to those who will support you in allowing your Inner Child in play. Labor Day At the end of this week we will be celebrating Labor Day.  For some people this means the end of Summer, but it’s not really, the end of summer is September 23.  I like…

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It’s no accident

When we look at our lives it’s no accident how we came to be where we are. How we came to be here The journey of our life is the result of every thought, action, and relationship we have experienced.  And if we take this even deeper, every thought, action and relationship has been the…

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Nurture yourself

Terrie Symons, Lady Ashtar, looks at the world by living in compassion

Taking care of others is wonderful, but don’t forget to nurture yourself as well. The glass becomes empty As we give to others we draw upon our own resources.  But if we continue to give without refilling our own glass, what is there to give? Some Puritanical part of our being may cry out, “That’s…

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Forgiving the self

Spiritual Principle is the beginning of a new year

As we look into the idea of forgiveness, one of the the most important aspects is forgiving the self. It’s not an ego thing Forgiving the self is far from an  ego based action.  Truthfully, we must first forgive others for their actions, words or deeds.  We must forgive the situation too.  Then, and only then…

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Forgiveness of Others

Ashtar Venusian Symbol Card deck

Forgiveness of Others is something we have heard and talked about many, many times.  This week Ashtar will go a little deeper into the how’s and why’s of forgiving others. Our mental health So much of the idea of forgiveness,  comes down to our own mental health.  I am certain you have heard; “Unforgiveness is…

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Be generous to yourself

Reflection in a quiet space

While you are giving and giving to others, remember to be generous to yourself as well. A spiritual truth A basic spiritual truth is that we cannot provide anything to others that we do not have within ourselves.  We cannot give unconditional love if we do not have unconditional love within.  Being a loving person…

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