Principle of Gratitude

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

The Spiritual Principle of Gratitude is a frequent topic in Ashtar’s talks, but why? Gratitude opens so many doors Simply recognizing there is good in your life opens the doors to ever more good.  No matter how small that good may be, give thanks.  Give thanks to whom?  My choice is the “All There Is”,…

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Ashtar brings you Wisdom

Wisdom is far more than knowing stuff or having lived long enough to gain knowledge. Spiritual Principles continue. This month Ashtar has kept on track speaking about Spiritual Principles.  We all use Spiritual Principles but when we understand what they are and how they work, we are far more powerful.  This week Ashtar’s intention revolves…

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Messages of Universal Love

Recognizing the cornucopia of life that is ours always brings a smile to Lady Ashtar's face

It is the beginning of February which means it’s time for  Messages of Universal Love with Ashtar Session! An annual event Each year around Valentine’s Day we host an Ashtar session.  Most commonly this session revolves around Love, and this year is no exception.  On February 14 from 6-9PM Ashtar would like to meet with…

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Living with Harmony

Living with harmony while learning

Living with Harmony doesn’t mean finding a partner named Harmony.  It means finding within ourselves the resonant chord. The resonant chord So what do I mean by saying finding the resonant chord within us?  I mean we are all of the same source.  Ashtar speaks often of how we are all connected.  Every conscious being…

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Living in Understanding

Terrie Symons, Lady Ashtar, looks at the world by living in compassion

Living in Understanding is one of the first Spiritual Principles Ashtar has chosen to speak about. Understanding or Empathy It doesn’t matter if you want to call it understanding or empathy, what it comes down to is the same.  There are billions of people living on our planet.  Even within the same family, people see…

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Spiritual Principles

Spiritual Principle is the beginning of a new year

Spiritual Principles are the latest addition to the Ashtar Intention Series. Something different As we begin to get comfortable writing 2024, Ashtar has come up with a new addition to augment his Intention Series.  If you have been watching, you know that almost every one of the intention series includes a spiritual principle.  The difference…

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Living with Compassion

Living with compassion includes all living things

Living with Compassion is not the same as living in compassion It’s the intent So what’s the difference?  Well, if we are living in compassion it suggests being a passenger of sorts.  Whereas if we are Living with Compassion, it suggests a more active manner of association.  At least it does to me! As we…

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World Peace

Lady Ashtar reaches out in love and World Peace

Visualize World Peace, know it is underway right now. Moving into 2024 Yes, somehow we made it into 2024, and what a wonderful 2023 it was.  At least I hope you can look back and see that on the whole, 2023 was a good year for you. You know, the idea of good and bad…

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Happy New Year

Venusian Cosmic Federation

We are on the verge of a new year, but you probably know that already! Ashtar message For the past six years it has been my pleasure to release a message to you from Ashtar talking about what lays ahead for us.  This year we have decided to make this release free to anyone who…

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Catalyst of Peace

Winter Solstice

How powerful are you?  You are the catalyst of peace.  That’s how powerful you are. It all begins within Everything begins with a thought.  Where do your thoughts go? Are your thoughts free to wander around un-checked?  That’s wonderful for day dreaming, but if you want to create something specific, intention is required.  When it…

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