A long time ago

The Spiritual Principle of Discovery is reveled through the Navel of the Earth

The first time I was at Delphi was a long time ago.  Something along the lines of 3400 years ago.  Needless to say, this was a long delayed homecoming! Spiritual Principles For the past 19 months Ashtar has been giving us Spiritual Principles as a way of sharpening our growth.  Several times during those 19…

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Ashtar brings you Wisdom

Wisdom is far more than knowing stuff or having lived long enough to gain knowledge. Spiritual Principles continue. This month Ashtar has kept on track speaking about Spiritual Principles.  We all use Spiritual Principles but when we understand what they are and how they work, we are far more powerful.  This week Ashtar’s intention revolves…

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Living with Compassion

Living with compassion includes all living things

Living with Compassion is not the same as living in compassion It’s the intent So what’s the difference?  Well, if we are living in compassion it suggests being a passenger of sorts.  Whereas if we are Living with Compassion, it suggests a more active manner of association.  At least it does to me! As we…

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A Beautiful Person

Harvest your attibutes

You are a beautiful person, but you know who doesn’t see it?  Yourself! We are hardest on ourselves We can see the beautiful aspects in others so easily.  Yet I think that we are taught that to see our own beautiful aspects might be somehow egocentric.  When someone compliments us on how we look or…

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Reflection in a quiet space

Reflection is a wonderful thing, as long as we don’t get stuck there. Looking forward This week Ashtar’s Intention revolves around looking to our past then deciding how we want to shape our future.  This is a balanced approach to life.  We all know people who seem to live in the past.  Their stories are…

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Emerge and Fly

Ashtar Venusian Symbol Card deck

If you have been following Ashtar’s guidance it is time for you to emerge and fly! March has been busy The month of March has been a busy one for me.  I have been doing many sessions with my friends in Japan as I prepare to return for a brief Spring tour in April.  Brian…

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What do you want to give?

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

As you look around your life, what do you want to give? The well of love Well, we are reaching the end of January 2023.  Right over the horizon is our special day to celebrate love, Valentines Day.    The most precious gift would be love; pure, unadulterated love.  Love costs you nothing and is…

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Be generous to yourself

Reflection in a quiet space

While you are giving and giving to others, remember to be generous to yourself as well. A spiritual truth A basic spiritual truth is that we cannot provide anything to others that we do not have within ourselves.  We cannot give unconditional love if we do not have unconditional love within.  Being a loving person…

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The road to recovery

The road to recovery from the fears we have built up during the Covid-19 pandemic is open to you. Unseen fears All of us have developed protective actions during this pandemic.  Some of these have left us with positive re-actions, some not so positive.  Have you found yourself walking through a store and turning away…

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Learn to Channel

I am so excited!  Over the years, many people have asked me to help them learn to channel.  Until now I have not offered a class in channeling because of many reasons, but Ashtar has no such reservations!   During my visit to Albuquerque, New Mexico this winter Ashtar did an entire session about how…

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