
Lady Ashtar, Create!

I know you create your life.  You know that what you experience is a direct result of your viewpoint.  Now, it’s time to put these truths into practice. Want to be happy? No matter how happy you are right now, there is another level of happiness to be experienced.  For the past few months Ashtar…

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Reflection in a quiet space

Reflection is a wonderful thing, as long as we don’t get stuck there. Looking forward This week Ashtar’s Intention revolves around looking to our past then deciding how we want to shape our future.  This is a balanced approach to life.  We all know people who seem to live in the past.  Their stories are…

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Reach Out

Lady Ashtar reaches out in love and World Peace

It is time to reach out to those who will support you in allowing your Inner Child in play. Labor Day At the end of this week we will be celebrating Labor Day.  For some people this means the end of Summer, but it’s not really, the end of summer is September 23.  I like…

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Enjoy Life

The good showers us all the time

When Ashtar suggests I enjoy life, who am I to argue!  This week it’s off to Honolulu for a week of rest and relaxation. What’s the point? What’s the point of polishing up your spiritual skills if it’s not to enjoy life more?  This study is more than “do this, don’t do that.” The whole…

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Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

If you were to simply embrace how powerful you are, it would rock your world. Powerful Powerful is a word Ashtar uses often.  Almost every time, he is speaking about you.  How often we forget that we are the Universe in action.  What we say is powerful because it sparks manifestation.  It sparks manifestation which…

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It’s no accident

When we look at our lives it’s no accident how we came to be where we are. How we came to be here The journey of our life is the result of every thought, action, and relationship we have experienced.  And if we take this even deeper, every thought, action and relationship has been the…

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Summer arrives

The good showers us all the time

This week summer arrives.  Summer, a time for relaxation, adventure and of course, the expression of love Feel the expression This month Ashtar’s intentions are focusing upon love.  The expression of Love, the emotion of Love, and now, embracing Love.  We have often spoken of the truth that where we give our attention ,grows.  The…

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Inner Beauty

Ashtar Venusian Symbol Cards

Inner Beauty is the first of the Ashtar Intention Series based upon his Ashtar Venusian Symbol Cards, and I am very excited about it! Learning to read cards You may be an experienced card reader, or you may be a novice.  Either way Ashtar is here to support you.  For those new to card reading…

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Harmonious Actions

The good showers us all the time

Going through life creating harmonious actions can free us to experience love, joy, peace and harmony. The final April Intention Whew!  With five Intentions for April this has been a busy month for self improvement, hasn’t it?  Ashtar has encouraged us to remember the lessons we have learned.  He has prompted us to forgive ourselves…

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Continuing the process

Lady Ashtar, Terrie Symons and husband Brian Graham

Question: are you continuing the process of Rebirth Ashtar is speaking about for March? Last week Last week Ashtar spoke about reflecting upon the life you want.  In this weeks video he speaks about the process of releasing what no longer serves us and at the same time, reconnecting with our Spiritual base. I got…

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