Love and light

Setting your goals for joy

You have the amazing power to shape a group with love and light. The group consciousness We are constantly in groups, groups of all shapes and sizes.  But are you aware that your presence affects that group?  This phenomenon has been studied for years.  The simple act of observation (Ashtar’s video August 4) changes the…

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Spiritual Principle Independence

The Spiritual Principle of Independence carries with it great responsibility

The Spiritual Principle of Independence.  With the 4th of July just around the corner what a perfect principle to examine. More than a word Independence is far more than word.  It is an idea, or an ideal if you wish.  You have free will at every turn.  Our independence allows us to utilize that free…

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Lady Ashtar at Delphi asking the question; Why?

Why, if there is a God, a Universal Presence which loves and supports us, is there war? The eternal question During my visit to the Temple of Apollo and Delphi last month Ashtar addressed the eternal question. The Temple of Delphi is an amazing structure.  Built by hand over 2300 years ago.  People came from…

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A long time ago

The Spiritual Principle of Discovery is reveled through the Navel of the Earth

The first time I was at Delphi was a long time ago.  Something along the lines of 3400 years ago.  Needless to say, this was a long delayed homecoming! Spiritual Principles For the past 19 months Ashtar has been giving us Spiritual Principles as a way of sharpening our growth.  Several times during those 19…

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Spiritual Principle of Easter

The Spiritual Principle of Easter

Eggs colored, chocolate ready, but are you ready for the Spiritual Principle of Easter? I did’t know that was a thing! Perhaps you haven’t thought of Easter as a Spiritual Principle, but everything has been there all along.  The entire Biblical story of Easter is about leaving behind that which no longer serves us and…

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The Spiritual Principle of Completion

We are reaching a point of completion.  Days are getting longer and in some parts of the country the weather is beginning to improve.  Flowers are blooming, birds are multiplying.  Even if the calendar doesn’t agree we are concluding winter.  Can you feel it? This weeks video In this weeks video Ashtar speaks about the…

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Venusian Cosmic Federation

Acceptance is not the same thing as resignation. Learning to look for the good I fully understand that the idea of acceptance of what is happening around us might look like resignation, but think about it.  This Spiritual Principle encourages us to look beyond our limited human viewpoint and see things as they are.  As…

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Living with Harmony

Living with harmony while learning

Living with Harmony doesn’t mean finding a partner named Harmony.  It means finding within ourselves the resonant chord. The resonant chord So what do I mean by saying finding the resonant chord within us?  I mean we are all of the same source.  Ashtar speaks often of how we are all connected.  Every conscious being…

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Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

If you were to simply embrace how powerful you are, it would rock your world. Powerful Powerful is a word Ashtar uses often.  Almost every time, he is speaking about you.  How often we forget that we are the Universe in action.  What we say is powerful because it sparks manifestation.  It sparks manifestation which…

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Witness our life

With all the spiritual work we do, do we take time to actually witness our life? The farmer The farmer in the field planted their crops in the spring.  We did the same within our lives.  Now, the summer is here.  Unlike the farmer we don’t usually have the perspective of seeing the shoots come…

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