
Ashtar brings you Wisdom

Wisdom is far more than knowing stuff or having lived long enough to gain knowledge. Spiritual Principles continue. This month Ashtar has kept on track speaking about Spiritual Principles.  We all use Spiritual Principles but when we understand what they are and how they work, we are far more powerful.  This week Ashtar’s intention revolves…

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The Creator

Ashtar on the Big Island

So often Ashtar has told us; you are the creator. The Challenge for December In this, the third intention for December 2023 Ashtar is again reminding us how powerful we, as individuals are.  Sure, there are times when it feels like the whole world is coming down around our shoulders.  There are times it seems…

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Peace in the Community

Peace in the Community is the second intention of December, 2023. The December Intentions This month all of Ashtar’s intentions revolve around peace.  Quite fitting, I think, in that Decembers big holiday centers on an individual whose primary message was peace.  I can’t help but wonder if Ashtar and Sananda might have had a little…

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One year

Spiritual Principle is the beginning of a new year

One year ago this month (October 2022) Ashtar had us sit down and begin videotaping his Intention Series.  Now, one year later we are celebrating the success of his wonderful concept. What is the intention series? Well, it’s pretty simple.  Each month Ashtar selects a topic; families, forgiveness, play, then each week he speaks on…

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Summer arrives

The good showers us all the time

This week summer arrives.  Summer, a time for relaxation, adventure and of course, the expression of love Feel the expression This month Ashtar’s intentions are focusing upon love.  The expression of Love, the emotion of Love, and now, embracing Love.  We have often spoken of the truth that where we give our attention ,grows.  The…

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Spring begins

Lady Ashtar welcomes you

This is the week that Spring begins…hurrah! How has your winter been? I don’t know about where you live, but our Winter here in California has been filled with the blessings of rain.  In some cases the blessings have been a bit overwhelming!  But it is important at any time of year to look for…

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Continuing the process

Lady Ashtar, Terrie Symons and husband Brian Graham

Question: are you continuing the process of Rebirth Ashtar is speaking about for March? Last week Last week Ashtar spoke about reflecting upon the life you want.  In this weeks video he speaks about the process of releasing what no longer serves us and at the same time, reconnecting with our Spiritual base. I got…

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Such a busy week!

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

I don’t know about you, but in my home this is such a busy week! Take the time Even when your life gets busy, there should always be the time to do a Random Act of Kindness here and there.  Sometimes we think of these events as something that we do with people outside our…

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Ashtar’s Intention

Venusian Cosmic Federation

Ashtar’s Intention for this week revolves around something many of us find difficult to do.  The act of compassion toward ourselves. Things we are good at We are very good at showing others compassion.  We freely give and love others.  Our judgements are tempered by kindness.  So then, why is it so difficult to show…

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Almost Christmas

Lady Ashtar blows the spirit of love for you

It’s Almost Christmas!  Can you feel the excitement? The Christmas Spirit In that it is almost Christmas it might be a good time to think about what is important to you around this holiday.  What does  “Christmas Spirit” mean to you? Is it the shopping, the gifting, the change of weather?  Those things are wonderful!…

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