Prosperity and Abundance

Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

If you want to expand your Prosperity and Abundance, the quickest way is to recognize them in your life now. Labor Day As this blog posts we are celebrating Labor Day.  Yes, this day is intended to recognize the contributions of workers everywhere.  But what are they working for?  Financial security, of course. You may…

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Living in Understanding

Terrie Symons, Lady Ashtar, looks at the world by living in compassion

Living in Understanding is one of the first Spiritual Principles Ashtar has chosen to speak about. Understanding or Empathy It doesn’t matter if you want to call it understanding or empathy, what it comes down to is the same.  There are billions of people living on our planet.  Even within the same family, people see…

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Peace in the Community

Peace in the Community is the second intention of December, 2023. The December Intentions This month all of Ashtar’s intentions revolve around peace.  Quite fitting, I think, in that Decembers big holiday centers on an individual whose primary message was peace.  I can’t help but wonder if Ashtar and Sananda might have had a little…

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Sharing the Joy

Love and Loss, twin flames

I will be the first to admit that sharing the joy of this fall season can be trying.  but let’s break it down. Our old stuff Family gatherings can be especially trying.  There is a tendency to revert to who we were rather than be who we are now.  Sometimes it is we who revert,…

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Recognize the Good

Lady Ashtar finds the good even in trying circumstances

As we recognize the good in our lives, something magical happens.  There is more good in our lives! The power of perception Oftentimes we initially connect with other people by complaining.  It’s an easy way to strike up a conversation: isn’t the traffic horrible; it’s so hot.”  I truly understand the desire to make a…

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Celebrate Prosperity and Abundance

This is the season of Celebrations; Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and so many others.  With all this celebration comes some wonderful opportunities to display so many of the things Ashtar has shared with us this month. Responsibility Yes, we do have responsibilities as we go through this celebratory season.  With our heightened awareness of…

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Summer arrives

The good showers us all the time

This week summer arrives.  Summer, a time for relaxation, adventure and of course, the expression of love Feel the expression This month Ashtar’s intentions are focusing upon love.  The expression of Love, the emotion of Love, and now, embracing Love.  We have often spoken of the truth that where we give our attention ,grows.  The…

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Be generous to yourself

Reflection in a quiet space

While you are giving and giving to others, remember to be generous to yourself as well. A spiritual truth A basic spiritual truth is that we cannot provide anything to others that we do not have within ourselves.  We cannot give unconditional love if we do not have unconditional love within.  Being a loving person…

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It’s All About Love

Lady Ashtar welcomes you

You might expect the Ambassador of Love to talk about “It’s All About Love,” and you would be right! During our Valentines Zoom session Ashtar reminded us that we will not find love outside ourselves if we cannot first find it within us.  I hope you enjoy the video with this message. We are the…

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