
The Spiritual Principle of Completion

We are reaching a point of completion.  Days are getting longer and in some parts of the country the weather is beginning to improve.  Flowers are blooming, birds are multiplying.  Even if the calendar doesn’t agree we are concluding winter.  Can you feel it? This weeks video In this weeks video Ashtar speaks about the…

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The Spiritual Principle of Patience

Ashtar on the Big Island

Following the Spiritual Principle of Patience can make your life so much more pleasant. God give me patience Have you ever heard yourself saying, “Give me patience?”  This is a tricky plea.  Remember, the Universe is less likely to grant you patience than it is to grant you more opportunity to practice patience.  You will…

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Principle of Gratitude

Live in the spiritual principle of gratitude

The Spiritual Principle of Gratitude is a frequent topic in Ashtar’s talks, but why? Gratitude opens so many doors Simply recognizing there is good in your life opens the doors to ever more good.  No matter how small that good may be, give thanks.  Give thanks to whom?  My choice is the “All There Is”,…

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Living with Harmony

Living with harmony while learning

Living with Harmony doesn’t mean finding a partner named Harmony.  It means finding within ourselves the resonant chord. The resonant chord So what do I mean by saying finding the resonant chord within us?  I mean we are all of the same source.  Ashtar speaks often of how we are all connected.  Every conscious being…

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World Peace

Lady Ashtar reaches out in love and World Peace

Visualize World Peace, know it is underway right now. Moving into 2024 Yes, somehow we made it into 2024, and what a wonderful 2023 it was.  At least I hope you can look back and see that on the whole, 2023 was a good year for you. You know, the idea of good and bad…

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Peace in the Community

Peace in the Community is the second intention of December, 2023. The December Intentions This month all of Ashtar’s intentions revolve around peace.  Quite fitting, I think, in that Decembers big holiday centers on an individual whose primary message was peace.  I can’t help but wonder if Ashtar and Sananda might have had a little…

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Make your week

The good showers us all the time

What can make your week perfect?  How about discovering that all you want is already at your fingertips. Allowing it in I know, it’s easy to think things are not going your way.  Sometimes it feels like everyone and everything is set against us.  Looking at this written-out you probably realize this is simply not…

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Recognize the Good

Lady Ashtar finds the good even in trying circumstances

As we recognize the good in our lives, something magical happens.  There is more good in our lives! The power of perception Oftentimes we initially connect with other people by complaining.  It’s an easy way to strike up a conversation: isn’t the traffic horrible; it’s so hot.”  I truly understand the desire to make a…

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One year

Spiritual Principle is the beginning of a new year

One year ago this month (October 2022) Ashtar had us sit down and begin videotaping his Intention Series.  Now, one year later we are celebrating the success of his wonderful concept. What is the intention series? Well, it’s pretty simple.  Each month Ashtar selects a topic; families, forgiveness, play, then each week he speaks on…

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the joy of a sweet treat

What brings you Joy?  Is it activities, people, locations, situations?  Don’t worry, there is no wrong answer here, only right answers. This month As we have traveled together through September Ashtar has encouraged you to reflect upon your life and how you want it to be.  He has reminded you that your life is a…

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